Evidently my dominion now extends over horses and cows too.
I was recently visiting a friend in Idaho who keeps a horse or two and four steer in her pasture. The first day I was there we went to feed the animals, and I was standing at the fence rail, minding my own business as my friend rounded up one of the horses. The other horse, Cheyenne, was in the barn behind me. Before I knew it she was shoving her head under my hand, demanding that I scratch her nose, shoving up against me as if I were another 1500 pound horse instead of a puny person. Instant friend. I also made instant friends with my host's dog Buddy and the other neighborhood dogs, who roam the apple orchards in what has to be an Earthly representation of doggie heaven, where there are infinitely many trees to pee on.
The cows, though... ah, the cows...
I was the center of attention the moment I got out of the car. They followed my every move whenever I was in the pasture, wary and cautious and yet fixatedly curious. When I approached they'd scatter, move off a few yards and then watch me again.
Here's a picture of all four of them, watching me as I was watching them:

Lucky is the only one with horns, and, as you can tell, the one who gave me the most attitude. Rufus was the leader of the gang - sorry, it's not a gang it's a club - kind of like Pinky Tuscadero and the Pinkettes.
The guys are yearling cattle, which means that come winter they're destined to become hamburger, which is too bad because otherwise I could see boy band in their future.
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