Wednesday, August 5, 2009

If I Had One Wish

Don't you think it would be better to be a reptile?
   Really, just think about it. You and I are warm-blooded, which means we have to eat regularly in order to keep our endothermic systems going. If you were cold-blooded you'd only have to eat every once in a while, which would lead to a definite reduction in American obesity. The older reptiles get the larger they grow, so if we were reptiles our oldest citizens would be the largest citizens and they would finally get the respect their longevity deserves. Of course, they'd probably eat the smaller, younger reptile people, so that's a problem that would need addressing. Very little cannibalism with mammals.
   If you were a reptile you'd also get breaks at work to go sun yourself on a rock.
   Which leads to an interesting idea: wouldn't it be cool to be photosynthetic? So instead of eating anything, we could just get our daily requirement of sunlight and then go about our business. Do you think we'd need roots? Because that would make driving difficult.

1 comment:

    (One of my son's favorite videos)
