Thursday, February 4, 2010

Just Call Me Sgt. Schultz

I have been trying to re-examine the way I interact with the world. Lately I have noticed that I'm not noticing things, or at least not looking at things with the same kind of critical eye I used to. This is part of growing older, I suppose, but it's also part of growing lazier. Adults are used to having the answers, experience has taught us what things are and what they are not. At least most of the time.
   But I think it's better to stay ignorant sometimes. Or, at the very least, to let go of the idea that I need to have all the answers all the time. I need to be able to pick something up, turn it over and around and upside-down and get to know it for what it is, not for what I think it is.
   Little kids do this automatically. Toddlers, especially, discover something new all the time, every hour of every day. Things that adults know and have dealt with for years are things they've never encountered before. Corners on coffee tables, dust bunnies under the bed, fringe on carpets, tupperware, it's all new, all something to be examined and re-examined, broken and put back together again.
   So that's what I'm gonna do. Break stuff. Metaphorically, of course, some of my stuff would be pretty expensive to replace.
    note: for those of you who have no idea who Sgt. Schultz is, he was a character on Hogan's Heroes, which you can probably catch on Nick at Night. If that still exists, I don't know I don't have cable any more. His motto was 'I know nothing,' which is amazingly Socratic for a TV sitcom Nazi.

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