Monday, September 13, 2010

That's Sweaty Work

It's been a while since I've lived in South Texas. Eight years, almost nine. And while I do miss the Lone Star State, I have acclimated to SoCal. More than I thought.
   Yesterday I was out in my mother's back yard, just doing a little light yard work picking up branches that had blown out of her trees during a big storm system a week or so ago. There are branches down all over her neighborhood, it's not unique to her place. I was just bending down and standing up again, nothing big, and pulling a few stuck branches out of the crooks of the tree.
   Man, sweat soaked through my shirt after about five minutes.
   Seriously, it was drippping off my eyebrows and onto my glasses, from my forearms onto my pants, and from the tip of my nose onto the cat. Okay, that last one I kind of planned out, but you get the idea. I was drenched in sweat and I wasn't even doing anything. I don't sweat like this in SoCal even when I'm working my hardest at the gym. Crazy...
   Maybe next time I come back to Texas I need to bring some talcum powder.

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