Monday, July 4, 2011

George Washington Walks Into A Bar...

Hey there, pal, nice waistcoat. Snappy breeches too.
   Hale and well-met to you, my good sir.
You're looking glum.
   Aye, naught that a ration of posset might not cure, though.
   No posset then. Cider, perhaps?
Nothing with any kick to it. How about a hard lemonade?
   A tickle to an otherwise Puritan drink. Something Old Ben Franklin might have invented when he was done whoring or tinkering with his stove. A cup of that, innkeeper.
I figured I'd seen you before. Like on money.
   I asked them not to do that. I don't like the way I look printed.
So what's on your mind, George?
   The state of things. The state of the State, as it were. How far this generation has strayed from our intent.
That's not necessarily a bad thing. You were a slaveowner after all, and we don't do that any more.
   Aye, that was a product of the times, as were I and Jefferson and that wee rascal Madison. I meant the impracticality and burdensome nature of your government.
Don't you mean your government?
   By the least measure, sir! I know we founding fathers all had different ideas and opinions regarding the nature of the people and of the government formed by their consent, but none of us in our worst nightmares could have imagined the state of affairs now. Pointless bickering, empty political maneuvering, keeping score for a game destined to have only losers. Madness.
You guys had your share of political fights. Fistfights even.
   Aye, but fistfights for a reason. For a cause. Not for show. I fear for the safety and continuation of our dear, fragile Republic.
I think we'll be okay. We lived through Grant, Hoover, and Bush 43. We're still kicking. We'll make it another 200 years.
   Point taken, fair innkeeper. Yet still... has word reached you of a portly knave called Limbaugh?
Oh yeah. You know for all his bluster and ignorance and vitriol, I think his heart's in the right place. He does actually care for this country. He just has a mental patient's way of showing it.
   A fair assessment well said, Harvey.
So... just between you, me and this bowl of pretzels, what would you change?
   You're familiar with the High Court justices Scalia and Thomas?
   Abuses of power and severe lapses of ethics demand restitution. And that an example be made.
Do tell.
   You're familiar with the stockade, perhaps?

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