Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Miserable Bastards

I've been around a while - not as long as some people, longer than others - and my faith in human beings has gone through phases.  In college I was a cynic, which is cover for a disappointed idealist.  Just out of college I determined that people are basically good, mostly because I hung out with essentially good people.*
  Then I got a job in corporate America.  My views changed and I determined that most people are sheep, still essentially good but lacking in that essential spark that makes them stand up and say 'No.'  Then I got another corporate job, then another after that, and I began to realize that maybe, just perhaps, some people are naturally miserable bastards.  At least in the finance industry, which may attract more than its share, I admit.
  Now I own my own business, and currently I'm working at a local school district, where the people are genuinely nice and really committed to doing right by the students, even in a time of shrinking budgets.  I can honestly say I have not met one miserable bastard during my year-plus working there.  So I'm kind of back on the side of the angels here.  Most people are good.
   I've been paying attention to politics more and more as I get older.  Not that I like what I see, it's really more of the same fascination you have with a wreck on the highway.  You wonder if there's going to be blood, and you hope there's not, but you really kind of hope there is so you keep glancing over as you creep by.  That's me and politics.  I have to say that I've never seen a greater collection of miserable bastards in my entire life than I see in politics right now, today.
   Let me correct that.  I've never seen a greater collection of lying, cheating, greedy, gleefully strutting miserable bastards.  I remember a time when miserable bastards kept it on the down-low, when they knew they were awful people and tried to keep others in the dark about their miserable bastardy.  Not no more they don't.
   And let me point an accusing finger.  It's the GOP I'm talking about.  Sure, there are liars and cheats and probably a few miserable bastards on the Democratic side, but Republicans have taken the lying, cheating and greed to a high art.  They're so confident as miserable bastards they don't even try to hide it any more, they put it right in our faces and dare us to do something about it.
   So here's what we do.  We vote them out of office.  As many as we can, so we send a clear message.  It's time to get rid of the miserable bastards and replace them with genuine, caring people.

* with a few glaring exceptions, Tiller I'm looking your way here.

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