Saturday, April 18, 2009

Another Moving Van

I just saw another moving van on my block, the fifth so far this month and it's only the middle of the month. It was two buildings down, and the people were moving out, not in.
   This is a measure of the economic times, I believe. Time was, on my short block - where about a third of the West side is taken up by an old folks' home - there were very few 'For Rent' signs, and those that went up didn't stay up for long. My building manager, for instance, seldom had to put a sign out, there were people waiting to move in. Now, however, there's been a 'For Rent' sign hanging in front of the building since November, and every apartment building on the block has at least two units available.
    Amazing that California is raising sales tax and income taxes at a time when people are leaving the state as fast as they lose their jobs.
   Another economic indicator: Whole Foods has stuff on sale. Just when you thought you could count on a pretentious, overpriced faux-hip grocery store to keep up appearances, you get slapped in the face with reality. I want to go to Whole Foods to spend $1.50 for one cucumber, not to find stuff marked down for quick sale. Jeez...

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