Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Easter Snake

Years ago, one of my friends kept a pet python. I always kind of wondered how an eight-foot reticulated constrictor counted as a 'pet' but variety is the spice of life. When my friend - who shall remain nameless - went away to college in a different state, his father cared for the snake. This care consisted of a live meal every so often, once a week I believe, regular water and cage cleanings. The live meal, as you can imagine, was a rat. Come to find out, most rats sold are actually livestock, not pet animals. Who knew? Well, me, after my friend educated me in the local pet store.
   One summer my friend and I were engaged in something, practicing juggling, making a stop-motion film, eating, whatever college students do on summer break. We got to talking, and my friend's father came into the room. They exchanged a glance, and then his father decided to share a story. They told me that I was one of the few people they knew who would appreciate what they had to say, which was kind of flattering but also kind of alarming. I didn't know what they were going to say, and I wasn't sure I wanted to find out. But it was too late, his father was already relating the tale.
   The prior Easter, which coincided with the snake's feeding time, my friend's father had given the snake... a bunny.
   As they suspected, I did appreciate the entirely fitting offering. And I promised that I wouldn't tell anyone else, a promise I kept faithfully. Until now.

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