Thursday, May 27, 2010

Falling Behind

Here's an unintended consequence of being gainfully employed, at least for a little while.
   I'm falling behind on my Science Friday podcasts.
   See, for most of my 'between assignments' tenure I'd download the Science Friday podcasts on Saturday and then I'd spend the next week catching up on the happenings when I was working out. Now that I'm on the job I haven't been to the gym as often - I'm averaging once a week instead of five or six times a week - and that's just not enough time to listen to them all. I'm going through withdrawal.
   You may not have been able to tell, but I'm kind of a science nerd. I've had a subscription to Scientific American since I was a sophomore in high school. Really. Other men have decades-long subscriptions to Sports Illustrated, maybe Playboy, but not this guy. So when I say it pains me that I haven't heard Ira Flatow's voice in far too long I'm not exaggerating.
   If you've never heard of Ira Flatow or Science Friday then you're leading a deprived life indeed. Give it a listen, tune in to your local NPR station. And if you've never heard of NPR... well, then... there are some things I just can't take responsibility for. Stop watching 'Dancing with the Stars' and read a book once in a while.

COMMUTE - there - 40 minutes      back - 42 minutes

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