Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Way It Should Be

I'm home from work right now, I have to go in late because the EDD (California unemployment office) is calling 'between 10 AM and 12 PM' and I have to be home to take the call. Kind of like the cable guy except I don't have to let any suspicious characters into my apartment.
   I gotta say, I've missed getting up when I feel like it and working on stuff that interests me. I got into a good rhythm with my writing over the past months of being 'between assignments' and it's nice to get back to it, even if it's only for a morning.
   Right now I'm working on a proposal for a children's ABC book that would benefit animal charities by donating 51% of the authors' after-tax profits. In the hour and a half or so that I've been working on it today I've gotten more done than in the previous five or six days of after-hours struggle. Not working just works out better.
   I was talking this over with a friend who is also 'between assignments' and we came to the conclusion that about 30 hours of work a week is good. Go in about 10 or 11 and get done about 4-ish. You really only have 4 or 5 good hours of work in you anyway, why waste the other 4 hours pretending to work while you surf the 'Net? Get in, do your thing, get the hell out, that's what I say. The old 8-hour (now 9- or 10-hour) work day is designed for factory production, three shifts of 8 hours each, for a round-the-clock factory cycle. People don't operate that way, we need to re-think this whole 'be absent from your homes and families for 10 hours a day' thing, it's a bunch of crap.

COMMUTE: there - haven't left yet      back - haven't left yet.

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