Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Amazing Powers Of Observation

I feel like Sherlock Holmes today. Or Sherlock Hemlock, who was green and fuzzy but no less a deductive genius.
   I was leaving the house this evening and the garage door wouldn't close. Just wouldn't budge. It went up and down perfectly fine when I got home an hour or so before, and it went up like normal once again but for some reason it decided that going down just wasn't in the cards tonight.
   So I got out of the truck and thought about it. Cogitated. Ciphered, if you're Jethro Clampett. Then I realized that the setting sun was shining directly into the safety lens. That's the electric eye thingy that keeps little kids and pets from getting crushed under the garage door. Bright sun meant the electric eye thought there was a little kid or a vulture or a leprechaun standing under the door and so it did what it was supposed to do and kept the door from working. I stood so my shadow fell on the lens and - voila! - door goes down.
   An amazing display of deductive ability, if I do say so myself. But the question now is: what do I do with my skills?
   I could put on a deerstalker hat and try to solve crimes in Victorian England... but that's already been done. I could put on a bat costume and fight crime with my brains and my fists. And an underage sidekick. So maybe we'll hold off on that one for the moment. If I were Asian and had a Number-One son I could solve crimes in Chinatown. I could always wear a snap-brim hat and suspenders and work in a dirty corrupt city where it's always dusk. Or I could put on the Who's greatest hits and deliver snappy one-liners in CSI:San Antonio.
   Maybe I'll just chalk this up to good luck and forget about a career change for right now. I gotta say, though... that bat costume is looking mighty tempting...

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