Friday, February 17, 2012

Criminal Gut Bugs

I was just reading an article in Scientific American that outlined how various animals' gut biota can affect their behavior, including choice of mate and, perhaps, their evolution. It's already suspected that gut biota play a large part in propensity to obesity, asthma, etc.
   This got me to thinking...
   Shouldn't some microbiologist do a study of hardened criminals, harvesting their intestinal bugs to see if there is some commonality, some bacteria or yeast or what have you, that non-convicts do not have?
   I know, this sounds like phrenology, and people with 'low, criminal foreheads,' but it is an idea grounded in science. And what if you find something? What if treating recidivism among convicted felons were as simple as a course of antibiotics?
   Just putting it out there.

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