Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Picture Of Goober-ness

I saw a picture of myself today, one taken a year or more ago. I was laughing unreservedly, having a great time, probably oblivious to the camera.
   Jeez, what a dork.
   Really, I looked like I was drunk, and I don't drink alcohol. It was long enough ago that I don't remember the circumstances around the photo, but it is undeniably me, and I am undeniably dorky.
   Modern cameras are marvels of engineering, they can focus on multiple spots, adjust the shutter speed and aperture automatically, flash or not flash as you wish, and even become movie cameras if you want them to.
   So why don't they have a dork filter? Just a little switch, maybe another setting on the dial that's already there, to keep the camera from working if someone in the field of view looks like an idiot. If their teeth were bucked out, if they were squinting like they ate a lemon, if their tongue were not only sticking out but discolored... not that I looked anything like that, I assure you. I'm just saying, if the camera were programmed not to take pictures of people like that, it sure would have saved me a lot of embarrassment.
   There's gotta be someone from MIT working on this. And if there isn't there will be after they read this.

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