Saturday, September 25, 2010

Baked Los Angeles

You've heard of baked Alaska, right? Ice cream and cake with meringue heated in the oven.
   Well, today Los Angeles is the oven. The Santa Ana winds have returned with a vengeance, blowing hot and dry and making everything dusty and miserable. It shouldn't be this hot, really. It's dangerous, LA people don't know what to do when it's this hot. I saw a guy out jogging just a few minutes ago. Seriously, with a beet red face and everything, for sure he had heat exhaustion, getting close to heat stroke. Good thing he was by the hospital, so the EMTs can find him when he finally collapses.
   I have previously written an ode to the rainy streets of Los Angeles, but this particular bout of extreme weather has but me in a different mood. More Eastern. And so I've composed several haikus about this day. This terrible, awful day.

Hot wind sears us all
Like an oven with no door
Breathing is bad news

Don't grab the car door
Molten metal will burn fingers
No one likes cussing

Truck with no AC
Pure torture for the driver
Fun for those watching

Man begging for change
With a sign at the off-ramp
Bad sunburn for him

   Wow... how Japanese of me... now I feel like putting on some pajamas and having a cup of green tea at a low table.

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