Thursday, February 10, 2011

Banana-Eating Cat

My mother's horrible cat eats bananas.
   This is the same little bastard who bites ankles and only behaves himself because of the threat of a water-bottle soaking. The same one who hisses at everyone, including my mother, for no reason that we can determine. The same one who has a losing record of fights with every other cat in the neighborhood, yet who comes back for more over and over again. The same pugnacious, nasty, combative, horrible cat eats bananas.
   He only started recently, like with the new year. Maybe he made a resolution to eat more fruit? At first my mother thought that she might have a rat or mouse or possum or something, except when she checked there was nothing else amiss. No other food on the counter touched and the food in the cat's bowl was unmolested. Rats and mice and possums wouldn't get in the house only to eat the inside out of a banana, they'd snarf everything they could get ahold of. So it had to be the cat.
   Even though dogs are technically 'carnivores' they're really just stomachs with legs. Dogs can and do eat anything they think might be tasty, including their own vomit. Not picky. Cats, on the other hand, really are carnivores. They're adapted to eat meat and nothing else. Not bean and cheese tacos, not layer cake, not split pea soup, and certainly not bananas. Except for my mother's horrible cat. He gnaws right through the skin and chows down on the inside. It's like someone just scooped it out with a spoon.
   I'm wondering what's next. Is he going to start whipping up a batch of crepes? How about some pumpkin bread? Maybe a pot of chili? I just know my mother's going to come home one day and find him at the stove with a little cat-sized chef's hat and tiny chef's apron, slaving away over some chicken piccatta. He'll hiss at her when she tries to get a plate for herself.

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