Thursday, October 8, 2009

Dream A Little Dream

You ever have a dream where you're speaking another language? Except you don't really speak another language, you just read several ancient ones really well? And so when you're having the dream and everybody is speaking another language, including you, when you try to make sense of what people are saying, within the dream you realize that none of the words are from any language you've ever heard or studied? So you know you're dreaming, and you know that everybody in the dream is speaking a non-existent language, except that there does seem to be some internal consistency and grammar to the nonsense, and people use the same word to refer to the same thing, so it's not like everybody's doing their own thing? And even while you know you're dreaming you try to make sense of the fake language that really only exists inside your own head while at the same time in the dream you continue to speak that same made-up language? And while you're speaking it in the dream, in your own head you're really wondering if this is some kind of real language you've tapped into, or if all the internally-consistent linguistics that seem to be around this made-up language come entirely from your own imagination? And if it is all from your own imagination, then you're either seriously f**ked up or a certifiable genius? Or both?
   You have? Really? What a weirdo.

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