Tuesday, October 20, 2009

It's True

I've been 'between assignments' for a while now, and I've gotten into a routine that avoids rush hours and high-traffic times. I'm out and about during the between times, when there are fewer people on the roads, in businesses, everywhere. And I've noticed a few things.

   1. Old people really do swerve when they drive. Even though there are far fewer cars on the road during the day, I fear for my life more at 2 PM than I did at 5:30. Lane markers aren't suggestions, grandpa.
   2. If you wear wool slacks and a dress shirt to the grocery store in the middle of the day, the staff assumes you're there to buy a birthday cake or party supplies. Seriously, I get more directions to the bakery department than I ever did in the evening.
   3. There are plenty of post office clerks at 10:30 in the morning. Three people in line, three windows open. And the clerks are friendly. After 3 they go down to two clerks, no matter how many people are in line, and not a smile in sight. 'Splain that one.
   4. Leaf blowers. Are. Everywhere.
   5. Shifty-loking, shady people stick out. Very few full-sleeve tattoos out and about before nightfall. No facial piercings gleaming in the noonday sun.
   6. Those people hanging out in the coffee shop all day, hogging the wireless internet? Your suspicions are confirmed, they really don't have anything better to do. Trust me on this one.
   7. Public works repairs happen during the business day. And they always happen on the street I'm travelling, at exactly the worst time. It's like those guys have a map of places I go and they plot their repairs according to my schedule.

I'll share more as things come up.

1 comment:

  1. What about those married couples having brunch or jogging together? What kind of jobs do they have to spend that kind of time together at that hour of the day? Doctors? Firefighters? Cops? Career criminals? You have plenty of time, investigate for me.
