Friday, April 2, 2010

Ah, Look At All The Lonely Taco Trucks

So I was down on Wilshire today - for a job interview, yikes!! - and coming back home I took 6th Street, right around lunch time.
   I have never seen so many taco trucks in one place. I know Los Angeles is the mecca for taco trucks, they're everywhere, but this was above and beyond. At 6th and Alvarado I counted nine taco trucks parked around the intersection, vending their food. Nine! That's crazy.
   Obviously the business is there, or the taco trucks wouldn't be parked where they are. But there are also regular restaurants right there too. Probably with owners shaking their fists at the taco trucks.
   Seems to me like a fad, like the automats from sixty years ago, or perhaps something born out of desperation, a quick, easy business started by people with no other option for a job. But I can't imagine that there is enough sidewalk business to keep every taco truck working.
   So what happens when the economy rebounds? Do the taco trucks go away, or do they go upscale? And if the taco trucks go out of business, what happens to the truck itself? Will there be a wave of foreclosures on subprime taco trucks? Do they have subprime taco trucks?
   Things like this keep me up at night.

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