Saturday, November 13, 2010

Where My Stooges At?

I had a mild panic attack today, nothing serious, but it did take me a moment to get over. I don't have cable, you see, haven't for over a year now, and I this afternoon I was really jonesing for some Three Stooges. And I couldn't find them.
   There are some days you just need to see Stooges, and today was one of those days. And I was foiled. Back when I had cable it was a simple matter of looking up 'Stooge' in the directory, and I guarantee you there was would be an episode airing on one of the 500 channels within a few hours. But now... no Stooges.
   Oh, sure, I could have gone to YouTube, but it's not the same. It's just not. Watching Stooges sitting at my desk, on some low-res pirated screen capture... that's not a prime Stooges-viewing experience, that's what you do when you're at work pretending to accomplish something.
   I wanted to see Larry, Moe and Curly - not Shemp, not Curly Joe - smack each other with boards or hit each other in the face with lobsters or poke each other's eyes out while I sat on my couch and enjoyed their decades-old antics while my head rested on cushions. But it wasn't meant to be.
   So I watched COPS instead. Which is like the Stooges, but in HD. And the stooges usually don't have shirts on and the only antics they have are running from the police and getting tasered. But it's still better than YouTube.

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