Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Doggie Tooth Fairy

Do you think dogs have a tooth fairy? Puppies lose their baby teeth just like human beings do. Those needle-sharp little puppy teeth fall out, usually embedded in a chair leg or old shoe. Sometimes you'll step on this oddly-shaped thing that stabs itself into your foot and when you check your dog's mouth you'll see a space where a tooth had once been.
   The people tooth fairy comes at night, taking the baby tooth the little kid left under her pillow and leaving some loose change, or maybe an IOU if Dad really needed smokes that night.
   Since dogs don't have pillows - most of them anyway - and since dogs really, really, really don't like being surprised when they're asleep, how does the doggie tooth fairy get it done? Don't you think she's kind of battle-scarred from dogs nipping at her when she accidentally wakes them up? And what does she give the dogs in exchange for their teeth? Dogs don't spend money, they don't have any pockets. Or thumbs. Does she carry around a bag of Snausages instead? And then wouldn't dogs chase her and try to steal the Snausages, even if they hadn't lost any teeth?
   I imagine the doggie tooth fairy would probably hate her job, and she'd have developed a drinking problem.

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