Tuesday, May 11, 2010

How Do You Know?

I was watching Hamlet this past weekend, the Kenneth Branagh version, which is in Technicolor and totally rocks, and I specifically noted the line Hamlet says to Horatio, when they're chasing Hamlet's father's ghost in Act 1 - 'there are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosphy.' Truer words were never written.
   For instance, I can tell when a woman I know is pregnant. Happens all the time - the part where I can tell, not the part where women I know get pregnant. Nobody believes that I can do this, so the last time it happened I wrote down the day and time when I took at look at one of my former employees and thought 'she sure looks pregnant.' She didn't have a big belly, she may not even have known herself that she was expecting, something about her just... changed. I could look at her and tell she was different. Fast forward about four months and she announces that she is, indeed, with child. Out of my wallet I whipped out the yellow post-it I'd written the day and time on, just to prove that I knew. Somehow, I knew.
   You ever have that sensation like something is crawling up your neck or across your ear and then five minutes later someone calls you? Obviously something is telling you that someone is thinking about you, or talking about you (or both), but there's no way you could say for sure what that something is. You just know.
   Or how about when you're waiting for your name or ticket to be drawn at a raffle, and you know, you just know that your name is the one they're going to pick next. Happened to me last December when I was at my city District meeting and they were pulling names out of the hat for Rose Bowl tickets. Somehow, some way, I knew that when they were reaching for the fourth pair of tickets that they would call my name. And they did. Don't know how I knew, but I did.
   So there's something working here. Scientists say that until you have hard and fast proof nothing of the sort exists, but experientially - anecdotally - you know it's true. At least it happens to me a lot, I don't know about the rest of you.
   I just wish I could make money at it. But they don't pay you the big bucks because you can tell the doorbell's going to ring.

COMMUTE: there - 40 minutes      back - 36 minutes

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