Saturday, July 31, 2010

Not Meant To Be?

You ever have the feeling that you're spinning your wheels, that you could be doing better work somewhere else, doing something else? Yeah, me too. It involves looking for a job. I've been putting out resumes, following up, calling, e-mailing, doing what you're supposed to do. And I've been getting some results.
   Since April I've interviewed for three different positions. And I've been turned down three different times. The most recent rejection was yesterday.
   This is a new experience for me. I don't want to come across as a jackass, but up until now I've gotten every job I've ever interviewed for. Even the job sweeping a Coca-Cola warehouse back when I was in college.
   It's hard not to be disappointed, it is a failure after all, at least on some level. And yet I can't help thinking that there's a method to this madness. Perhaps it's just the human tendency to try to find meaning in randomness, but maybe this is the Universe telling me that corporate America is no longer my refuge, that I need to get out on my own and forge my own destiny instead of begging for a job.
   And if that's the way it is, I'm fine with it. I just wish the message weren't so cryptic.

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