Friday, May 15, 2009

Dangers of Late Night TV

Since my schedule is more flexible these days, sometimes I stay up later than I would have when I was working. Sometimes I keep the TV on for background noise, especially if I'm doing busy work like printing query letters. You see some really disturbing stuff after midnight.
   Like the colon detox guy.
   You've seen him, looks a little like John Waters but creepier. He has an entire 30-minute infomercial about cleaning out your butt. I watched the whole thing, with the same horrified fascination that LA drivers use when coming up on a highway accident. I don't want to see, yet I cannot look away...
   This guy goes on and on for half an hour about poop. He asks squirmingly uncomfortable questions of the interviewer about the length, girth, and frequency of his bowel movements. Usually an infomercial should make you want to buy the product, but the constant BM talk just made me want to turn the channel, and I'm never grossed out by anything; I felt like I was watching a man publicly exercise a sick fetish. This makes the Sham-Wow guy's adventures with a prostitute seem almost family-hour stuff by comparison.
   Oh yeah, and Consumer Reports researched the literature and talked to real doctors and confirmed there's no need for 'colon detox.' Unless you really like that sort of thing...

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