Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sounds Logical

I was in Texas last weekend, enjoying good Mexican food and remembering what it was like to sweat through my shirt after 30 seconds outside. Good times, good times. I went with my sister to pick up one of my nieces from a summer camp in the Texas Hill Country, and I hit on a stroke of genius. I've detailed the syllogism below:

   Major premise: Everybody knows that Lottery winners never come from a big city. The winning lotto tickets are always purchased in a small town.
   Minor premise: We were going to drive through a small town, Center Point, with a population of around 2,000 people.
   Conclusion: If I buy my Texas Lotto tickets in Center Point, I will be assured a win in the next drawing.

Just read that out loud to yourself; it's a thing of beauty. The logic is unassailable, it's all there in black and white. Because I bought my Texas Lotto tickets in a tiny town my win and millionaire status are foregone conclusions, right? If there is any justice in the world I should be writing this from the fantail of my own luxury yacht while my monkey butlers cater to my every whim.
   I didn't win a damned thing. Not even one lousy buck.
   Stupid laws of probability...

1 comment:

  1. You offended my Monkey God. So, there you go... Justice is served!
