Sunday, July 19, 2009

What I Remember About... My First Day of School

I got in trouble. Yeah, big surprise there, I know. I was doing something with cardboard and scissors, I recall, and whatever I was doing wasn't the way the teacher wanted it done. Probably I was making a mess or something because I was used to being alone. But the teacher made a point of stopping class and pointing out to me and everyone else what I was doing wrong, making an example of five-year-old me. The bitch.
   Much more importantly, however, I remember the day BEFORE my first day of school. I remember it specifically because I was eating a baloney sandwich and watching reruns of the Batman TV show. It always ended with a cliffhanger, and in this one Batman and Robin were shackled to a wall with huge nails poking out around them. At the other end of a long hallway the Joker and Riddler (I think) had balloons filled with poison gas which a big fan was slowly blowing towards the Dynamic Duo. It was certain death, the balloons would hit the nails and Batman and Robin would inhale the poison gas. How were they going to get out of this one?
   I never did find out. I was whisked off to school the next day. Bastards.

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