Thursday, July 9, 2009

Whatever Happened To...?

Whatever happened to spinning rims?
   You remember these, right? They're hubcaps that have some sort of roller bearing that allows the cap to spin within the wheel. So when your boomin' Escalade rolls up to a stop light your wheels just keep going. Drives the ladies wild, as I understand.
   Just yesterday I was in a... distinctive... part of town, an area where I had once seen nothing but rotating bling on the tires, even on decade-old Camrys. Now I saw nothing but regular old wheels, the non-spinning, boring old middle-America kind. Nothing to rock the hiz-ouse, if you know what I mean.
   Companies still make spinners, and other companies still offer them for sale, so what happened? I shudder to think that the era of the spinning rim has passed. Was this phenomenon just the late 90's version of the Pet Rock? How will I know that the guy behind the wheel is so cool he needs to appear constantly in motion? Maybe I'll just listen for the soothing sounds of non-melodic beats coming from oversized speakers.
   It could be that people just got spinners confused with Brent Spiner and finally realized their mistake.

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