Wednesday, July 22, 2009

From My Bookshelf

When you're alone and life is making you lonely you can always go... crazy. This week I indulge in one of my favorite things ever, conspiracy theories. I don't actually believe any conspiracy theories, except the one about squirrels waking me up early, that one's true. It's just big fun for me to see people try to justify their obviously insane assertions.

The Big Book of Conspiracies by Doug Moench
   Published by Paradox Press, which I don't believe exists any longer, this is a 'graphic novel' or 'illustrated anthology.' Both of which mean 'comic book' but in a larger format. The author takes great pains to specify that he doesn't believe or endorse any of the theories he outlines, he's just setting out what other people do believe and have published.
   This one has it all, the JFK assassination, the RFK assassination, the CIA using mind-control drugs, that astronauts on the moon saw alien spacecraft, that we never went to the moon at all, that not only are there UFOs stored at Area 51 the aliens driving the spacecraft are there too. It goes on for 213 pages, something for everyone.
   The best part of any conspiracy theory is the inherent un-falsifiability of it. All of the evidence, you see, is being kept down by the very people who are behind the conspiracy. So, obviously, there's no proof because anyone who could get you proof is in on the conspiracy...
   See what I mean? Hours of fun.

Quote: no quote on this one. It's a comic book.

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